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2013-03-08 09:34:59http://www.51gaoxiao.com阳光高考网




  The picture shows a boy riding on a planeto an unspecified place. With a teddy bearclutched in one hand, he is crying and at thesame timewaving goodbyewith hisotherhand.A speech bubble beside him says,“Mom anddad, I’m gonna buckle down and hit thebooks.”Clearly, the picture captures the youngboy’s reluctance to leave his hometown andstudy in a faraway country.

  Recentyearshave seen a growing trend ofchildren being sentoverseas for education.Thischoice of education, if not based on goodjudgment,would be a cause for concern.First,children tend to lack self-discipline; withoutparents’ supervision, they aremore likely toslack off and end upwith poor grades.Second,children are impressionable and thus aremoresubjected to social ills—for example, alcoholismand drug abuse.Further, itmay be too early todecidewhere these young studentswillpursuecareers after graduation; suppose they choose towork inChina, theywillnotbe then familiarwith the norms here, orworse still, theymaybe perplexed by their cultural identities; thisthen raises the question of their competitivenessinChina’s ever-changing jobmarket.Havingsaid that, a short-termvisitor an exchange pro-gram is sensible for thosewhowant their chil-dren to have a taste of foreign cultures.

  Generally speaking, it isnot advisable thatchildren be sent abroad to study, because theyare too young to exercise self-discipline, aresusceptible to bad influences, and are not in theslightest sure about their future career choices.