
2013-03-15 来源:高考网




  Luo Xin, aTV host in Shang-hai, said therewere twomost impor-tant things in life: finding somethingyou love and then doing itwell. Ithink whoever achieves those twothings can be considered happy.AndI am happy because English teachingis the “something” forme.

  My love of teaching this lan-guage was born out ofmy love oflearning it. I am fascinated with thecasualAmerican accent asmuch as Iam with the elegantBritish accent; Imarvel at the nuances between seem-ingly indistinguishable words; I alsorevel in clear and powerful prose andaspire to become a good writermy-self. From learning to de-learning toeventually re-learning English, I haveexperienced the joy of constantly dis-covering new things and the raptureofwinning speech awards. But, atthe same time, I am frustrated withmy little knowledge of this complicat-ed language and even desperatewhenrealizing how mediocre my writingstill is after all those years of effort.Pursuing excellence is akin to chasingthe end of the rainbow,which, for-tunately or unfortunately, is perhapsnonexistent. Maybe it is amid thiscombination of pleasure and disap-pointment that I find myself strivingfor an eternal goal, something thatkeepsme going and bringsme happi-ness.

  I considered quitting teachingand devoting my entire time totranslation and writing.After all,mysecret ambition is to become some-one like Ailing Zhang, who was soproficient in the English language asto write novels in it. But I loveteaching, especiallywhenmy studentswork hard for their goals and keepan openmind formy suggestions; Ifeel pleased when they answer myquestions confidently and correctly inclass; I am happywhen knowing themethods that worked on me alsowork on them; I am excited to seethe sparkles back in the eyes of somestudents who lost their way tem-porarily. Forme, the joy of teachinglies not only in helping studentsachieve better scores—this is by nomeans unimportant—but also inknowing that I have given them newperspectives on things and that thechanges in thinking may lead tochanges in lives. A handful of stu-dentsmay even choose the same pro-fession as I did. Nothing probablymakesme feel happier than knowingsomeone has chosen their life pathbecause of theway I treatmy job.

  Considering this is supposed tobe an examination essay, Imay haverambled. But isn’t having the luxuryto ramble a sign of true happiness?(429words)